District 6 Supervisor
Chris Daly is an advocate for housing and the homeless and is the
youngest member of the Board of Supervisors. He was born in the 1970s -
when many of us were already wearing ugly clothes! Daly made headlines for
allegedly shoving Mayor Willie Brown, announcing that he didn't "feel the
love" at City Hall, getting arrested at a housing demonstration, using the
power of acting mayor to appoint two key commisioners while Brown was out
of town, and for holding up a Board meeting for 20 minutes by sulking and
refusing to vote - all in separate incidents. Everyone seems to have an
opinion about Daly. Whether he's an activist for the disenfranchised or
just an infantile dilettant is your call. (Mister SF not only feels
the love, he thinks it's important to have activist
energy in the halls of power.)
"The frost between Supervisors
Chris Daly and Michela
Alioto-Pier culminated in a historic group-encounter Board of Supervisors
meeting. Alioto-Pier unsuccessfully sought to censure Daly for aggressive
behavior including Daly's telling a lobbyist to "f-off" at a public meeting..."
from Heart of the City 12/07/04