New and Venerable Institutions: Social Activism
San Franciscans have a proud tradition of Social Activism, from Women's Suffrage to the longshoremen strikes of Bloody Thursday, on through issues of free speech, civil rights, peace, censorship, and Reagan-era apathy about AIDS. The common thread among these demonstrators is that the passion behind their beliefs moves them to act. They are activists, after all, and they understand that no one ever changed the world by sitting on the couch. Activists remind us that dissent is not un-American. It is, in fact, democracy in action. Following are some of the issues that matter to the people of San Francisco.

Affordable Housing
Anti Fur I
Anti Fur II
Anti War I 
Anti War II
Bike Lanes
Dignity for Native Americans
Dog Rights
Ethical Campaigns
Gay Rights
Labor I 
Labor II
Medical Marijuana
Nuclear Proliferation 
Palestinian Liberation
Pedestrian Safety
Post-Quake Relocation
Presidential Powers
Public Power
"Quintronic Embezzlements"
The Right to Dissent
Right Wing Takeover
Senior Eviction

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