The San Franciscans: Jim Reid

ShelterOne: The smallest house in San Francisco. Detail
Jim Reid is the Rodney Dangerfield of San Francisco politics. The fiftysomething building contractor has run for supervisor, mayor, and MUD board, without ever getting elected. His 2000 campaign to recall Mayor Willie Brown failed, as has Reid's effort to garner support for a $500,000,000 sculpture installation on Alcatraz Island. Inspired by the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas, Reid would also like to grace the island with a beam of light powerful enough to be seen from space. So far his latest idea - building 2,000 100-square ft., "ShelterOne" homes for the homeless - has also met with some cackles. In addition to these schemes, Reid also supports open government, home ownership, clean streets, tree planting, public transportation that works, and so on. Strangely, many of Reid's views are not far from those of the average San Franciscan. If only he could get some respect...

Jim Reid for Mayor
Habitat for the Homeless
Light of Hope (site discontinued)

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